Blue Corona – Award-winning home services digital marketing company

With the advent of technology, and the rise of social media – unique digital growth strategies and marketing have become more prevalent than ever before.

Blue Corona is an award-winning web marketing, analytics and optimization company based across Maryland and North Carolina for home service companies. It helps companies stoically track, and accurately outline their online marketing efforts. Bolstered by its expertise in the industry Blue Corona strives to help companies set ambitious goals, as it maps out a digital growth strategy for them!

With a proven track record, Blue Corona is likely amongst one of the best partners a business can work with to help them measurably improve marketing performance and online lead generation. It is a company that seeks to convert “brochure-type” sites into what are fully optimized “lead generation machines”!

“At Blue Corona, we have a single goal: Help business owners and marketing executives use technology and the Internet to measurably improve their marketing performance and ROI,” says Ben Landers, Founder of Blue Corona.

This is something that Blue Corona achieves by accurately tracking every single advertising strategy, even if the only strategy companies have are their respective websites. Blue Corona is a company that specializes in inbound online marketing, analytics, and optimization. It assists businesses in precisely tracking their advertising outcomes and generating more leads and revenue within the digital landscape.

With an analytically enabled team geared for business, Blue Corona is able to see the world through the eyes of an entrepreneur as it markets client companies like its own. Serving as a de facto VP of marketing, it is uniquely enabled to optimize marketing costs, differentiate brands, while boosting leads and eventually sales.

From strategy creation to execution and maintenance Blue Corona tends to be just what the doctor ordered for home service companies looking to dominate the web! That’s right, it has been pivoted to help its clients connect with their customers, in the right place and more importantly at the right time.

Perhaps one of the most distinguishing factors about Blue Corona, is how it seeks to not sign new clients, but rather establish partnerships. Especially as every move they make, tends to also be backed with the perspective of a business owner.

So what’s its sales pitch? Quite simple – Blue Corona puts forth a “do-it-for-me” service that starts to aggressively track every single marketing strategy that is deployed. It is a company that believes accurate tracking is the foundation of everything it does. Hence, its process revolves around unearthing never-before-seen insights both about the business on hand and its marketing.

It is a brand that comes with a host of services that have been categorized into ones that either. increase your sales and leads, optimize your marketing costs, or differentiate your brand. Blue Corona gears its marketing services to the following industries:

  • Contractors
  • Home Service Franchises
  • Electricians
  • Garage Door
  • HVAC
  • Plumbing
  • Pest Control
  • Landscaping
  • Roofing
  • Windows & Doors

To cap it all off, Blue Corona comes with a strong portfolio, with success after success.  For instance, it has helped an Illinois HVAC and plumbing company to generate $2.5 million from SEO, helped an Ohio Home service company grow its leads by 194%, and a financial services company see a 187% increase in web traffic!

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg for a company like Blue Corona, as it has leveraged its digital experience to serve a multitude of others in the mid-Atlantic region. With a highly specified area of work, Blue Corona goes about its job with stellar work experience, and a profound guarantee of results.