CGI Digital – A video production & digital marketing company

The age of innovation is upon us. Emerging trends have made it quite a herculean task for digital media companies to stay afloat. Though we have more data and more access than ever before, clients are spoilt for choice and digital companies are often at a loss when it comes to choosing the right set of tools and tactics to reach the right audience.

With 52% of customers expecting services to be personalized, one major digital marketing challenge today lies in the immediate need to adopt a customer-centric approach in a market saturated with options. It is a task easier said than done as the ever-evolving customer expectations require the most sophisticated tools and rigorous strategies to stay abreast of and evolve accordingly. CGI Digital manages to do just that as it continues to bring stories of real people in real towns from the heartlands of America.

With video and audio formats on an exponential rise in popularity – especially with the market being flooded with shorter formats of video that encapsulates aspirational personas – it makes more sense to project growth in communities through the visual medium. The endorsement by national agencies such as the National League of Cities and the United States Conference of Mayors has come in the light of the incredible platform CGI Digital has managed to provide cities with.

Thinking beyond the omnichannel marketing strategies and its complications, CGI Digital chose  its incredibly talented group of full-time producers, writers, and video editors to bring to fore the inspirational stories of communities that stand apart – thus impacting their visibility, opening doors to newer workforce trickling in, bringing prosperity with them.

Navigating emerging market trends has been made easier by CGI Digital. Cohesive stories come alive in the videos commissioned by Municipal websites or towns. Designers and developers at CGI have consistently managed to seamlessly blend the charm of the tradition of these deep-rooted communities with the prospects and advancements of the present they have managed to achieve. The simple yet elegant method of exclusively using video to streamline traffic has surely made the company a maverick in its league.

Walking in tune with the beliefs of CGI Digital CEO, Bob Bartosiewicz, who said “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.”

The video production team at CGI Digital continues to strive for bringing to screen the ethos of the towns and municipal websites it replenishes with the medium of art – to tell its wonderful stories – of the people who are the beating heart of each of these places.

The company boasts of 7 creative individuals passionate and persistent – to deliver meaningful content – pushing their craft every day with the help of emerging tools, techniques, and market trends that impact the clients’ reach and recall value. A splendidly crafted narrative leads the way for the town’s story to play out before the audience – captivating and informative both. The treatment meted out to a client’s digital media campaign by the largest in-house production team west of Manhattan excels in all its elements as exemplified by the deepened impact of their videos across all social media platforms would convey.

CGI digital is breaking barriers and helping town mayors and business leaders alike – to shape cities and enterprises. Using market trends to anticipate client behavior, they have successfully created an elegant method of storytelling that helps connect and inspire millions, thus projecting newer and bigger growth possibilities for towns, cities, and mainstream m businesses- often in synergy. The paradigms of Digital Marketing are being expanded and CGI Digital is at the forefront with other leaders of this sector.