ComOps – We guide decisions that create value

As an innovative consulting and support as a service provider, ComOps is transforming commercial operations throughout the hospitality industry. Hospitality-focused businesses require strategic processes to deliver the best in customer service, and ComOps provides contact center operations, revenue management, customer sentiment monitoring, and digital advancement. ComOps brings some of the industry’s most knowledgeable leaders to the board room to provide customized strategy and support as a service that delivers real results. In addition to providing fully bespoke solutions, ComOps partners with BPOs that utilize impact sourcing, a sustainable labor sourcing movement that provides top quality services to businesses while making a significant difference for socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals by providing them with training to enhance their skills and expand their careers.

Hospitality businesses using a customer-centric approach are often in need of extra bandwidth, and ComOps is the bandwidth to help support these companies. By strategically optimizing technology and maximizing system efficiency, ComOps can elevate quality using standards they designed in collaboration with Forbes Travel Guide. ComOps stands out in the support industry because of their commitment to keeping standards high.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic hindered the hospitality landscape’s reformation, resulting in organizations failing to offer quality travel and hospitality services due to lack of candidates and accelerated turnover. The pandemic led to mass layoffs, business losses, understaffed operations, poor customer care, and the need to advance digital tools quickly. ComOps’ professional team designs innovative solutions catering to client requirements to eliminate the factors threatening the hospitality industry. Using strategic consulting, ComOps has helped businesses adapt to the post-pandemic landscape by implementing tools to monitor customer patterns and employee behaviors, and applying products that enhance customer experience, increase service bandwidth, and equip clients with the proper tools to tackle complex hospitality operations. In addition to revenue management, customer experience (CX), and digital transformation work, ComOps handles contact center operations, allowing companies to work on improving employee and customer satisfaction. When engaging with a new client, ComOps observes a company’s preferences and requirements, then scouts, hires and trains the best customer care support, offering truly bespoke solutions.

Every opportunity is unique, and as such, our approach varies by client. Whatever the problem, ComOps will customize a solution. Enhancing contact center operations, optimizing revenue management, advancing digital innovation, and elevating guest experience is where we do our finest work.” said Robert Levine, CEO of ComOps.

ComOps’ products and services compliment the loyalty and digital transformation facets of hospitality support. With an executive team made up of industry leaders from organizations like Hard Rock, Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, Caesar’s Entertainment, MGM Resorts, Penn National Gaming, Darden, and Four Seasons, the ComOps team easily understands client needs and quickly strategizes solutions that suit their operational needs.

In addition to their top-quality executive team, ComOps has strategically partnered with CCI, a global leader in BPO and contact centers. In 2013, CCI began the practice of impact-sourcing, a process to train and employ socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals, bringing in under-utilized talent and augmenting the labor pool. ComOps’ BPO team members are in South Africa, where unemployment is one of the largest challenges facing youth, women, and those of minimal financial means. By providing quality jobs that pay well, each new role can create a sustainable living for a family of ten. Year to date, ComOps has contributed almost half-a-million dollars employing impact-sourced team members.

ComOps’ satisfied clients are a testament to the company’s out-of-the-box and effective solutions which make business operations more efficient. ComOps’ largest client, Miami’s largest resort, needed help managing guest communication. ComOps conducted a detailed study of the resort’s processes to build a strategic solution. After a thorough analysis, ComOps introduced phased support, focusing on areas that created 80% of the daily contact volume. This allowed the resort to focus the team members they had onsite to work with guests face-to-face instead of juggling clients in front of them with answering phone calls. After solving for 80% of the work, ComOps was able to implement inbound and outbound reservations for the spa, cabanas, and dining. In the first full month the incremental revenue associated with this program offset the full expense for guest services, with a ROI of almost 3X. The resort’s success prompted the client to seek ComOps’ services to improve other areas of their business, and the company now takes over 2,000 calls daily. ComOps’ solutions not only quelled the client’s concerns but also aided customer support, improved online reputation management, and began to measure employee satisfaction.

ComOps’ is currently focused on supporting hospitality and health & human services verticals but intends to broaden their support to other verticals and clients that share the vision that service is a key differentiator in sustainable growth. The team at ComOps is agile, primed, and has the bandwidth to help support any organization.