SchoolMint – Unified Solutions for School Districts & Charters

The past two years brought unprecedented challenges to schools and educational institutions around the world. Enrollment trends had been shifting, enrolment was moving online, and many schools were experiencing enrollment declines. Student enrollment is the primary source of school funding, so even small declines were causing big impacts to school budgets. SchoolMint’s online enrollment management tools were increasingly part of the solution for schools. In the spring of 2020, COVID-19 accelerated decades of changes into a few weeks and impacted schools in a way few could have imagined just months earlier.

SchoolMint provides strategic enrollment solutions and tools to its partnered schools and districts in order to help them attract, enroll, and retain more kids. Included in its platform, the company provides strategic K-12 marketing services, an education-focused CRM platform, and a full online enrollment management solution that helps schools and districts process applications, run lottery placement systems and track student registration and re-enrollment. These solutions help schools grow their enrollment by providing equitable access for students and families.

That’s not all, as the organization also helps and supports its customers with student retention by utilizing its Positive Classroom solutions to tackle teacher attrition, chronic absenteeism, and behavior issues. SchoolMint is especially proud of its fully online teacher coaching platform, called Grow.  Grow provides teachers with the tools and support they need to succeed in todays challenging classroom environments, whether those environments are virtual, physical, or hybrid.

Overall, SchoolMint assists educators in creating bright, sustainable futures for their students. SchoolMint is dedicated to helping its customer create their own online brand and identity, growing enrollments and helping schools keep those students enrolled.

The company’s vision is to help schools not just manage enrollment, but to improve it. By offering the tools, services, and best-practices that truly make a difference, SchoolMint is uniquely positioned to help schools thrive. SchoolMint’s solutions aid its partnered schools and districts by optimizing and boosting gains, creating pleasant classroom environments for children and teachers, and maintaining meaningful teacher coaching and professional development. When COVID pushed all schools to operate virtually and online, SchoolMint was ready to help.

How did SchoolMint support its customers?

SchoolMint CEO Bryan MacDonald said “

Our online strategic enrollment management solutions were increasingly sought by clients, but in early spring of 2020  virtually all of our nation’s schools had taken the unprecedented step of also closing their doors and sending students into a never-before-tried online learning environment. We knew that rapid growth would be necessary to keep up, and we immediately took steps to grow our team to support our existing and new customers.”

SchoolMint is the leader in helping customers attract, enroll, and retain students. When the pandemic forced all schools to move to online processes, SchoolMint was ready to help.  Even as we see a return to more in-person instruction, the trends accelerated by COVID are here to stay.  SchoolMint has been expanding its solutions to help our customers even further through a variety of strategic partnerships, acquisitions, and new product innovations and extensions. As the leader in strategic enrollment management, SchoolMint has a unique platform designed specifically to help schools improve their enrollment success for students, parents, teachers, and administrators.