Can Hydrogen Powered Aircraft Become a Reality?

As part of the effort to decarbonise aviation, it’s often Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) that receive the attention. They are of course important, and immediately available – which helps. But whilst SAFs can cut carbon today, it has been said that hydrogen could eliminate carbon from aviation in the future. Let’s explore this for a …

The future of aviation – how Vertical Aerospace has found a solution

I love travelling.  I still get excited going to the airport and the idea of being transported to a different place. I believe flying helps make our world a better place, connecting people, businesses and nations across the globe, building human, cultural and political understanding that lead to shared prosperity and peace. However, it’s increasingly …

The BT ISDN switch off: How it will affect your business

BT has announced it will be switching off its PSTN and ISDN networks in 2025 in favour of IP voice services, with a gradual phase-out of the older systems starting in 2020. At this point, BT will cease taking ISDN orders, and all businesses will be forced to find other IP-based options for their business …

IBM Showcases Artificial Intelligence Superiority With Project Dabater

The IBM algorithm Deep Blue beat chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. It was 2011 when IBM’s Watson won the game show Jeopardy. Shortly after, the IBM Research team was ready to go beyond game playing and began to brainstorm the next feat to challenge an artificial intelligence algorithm. They decided to create an AI algorithm …