Speeding up Contract Negotiations

Have you ever been sitting in an interminable negotiation meeting thinking “There must be a better way”? Companies are constantly seeking to improve efficiency in every aspect of their business but they often overlook the contracting process. Negotiating time has a real cost for a company (the salary cost of personnel devoted to the negotiation, …

Future of POS payment

The future of #pos and merchant #payments in a business environment dominated by the #ecommerce boom and the move to cashless? Let’s take a look. POS systems facilitating merchant payments have been around for decades. During that time, they have evolved from simple cash registers to complex multi-purpose devices. From the massive adoption of credit …

Why Is There A Global Semiconductor Shortage And How Can We Solve It?

The fact that you may have recently had difficulty getting hold of the latest models of televisions, smartphones and games consoles is just the tip of the iceberg. Every industry is currently experiencing a severe shortage of semiconductor materials needed to build the chips that power everyday electrical gadgets and devices. Semiconductors – materials that …

The Future of Semiconductors is UCIe

If you want to become a serious tech industry watcher or a hardcore tech enthusiast, then you need to start closely watching what’s happening in the semiconductor industry. Not only are chips at the literal heart of all our tech devices, but they also power the software and experiences we’ve all become so reliant on. …

Cost-Effective Cloud Migration with VMware Cloud on AWS

The use of the public cloud as a deployment platform for new applications and services has exploded in the last half-decade. However, most organisations are just not adopting a cloud-only approach to new deployments, they are using a hybrid cloud model that combines infrastructure from private data centres with services in the cloud. The proportion …

The Future Trends In Mobility And Transportation

The way we travel from place to place is changing at a faster pace than any time since the proliferation of automobiles, trains, and airplanes during the last century. There are two main drivers – the need to adapt to changes in human behaviors and the need for greater sustainability. These factors are behind the …

The winning partner formula: Teaming up with NetApp specialists

Last year, perhaps against the odds, NetApp had an incredibly successful year. Customers were more eager than ever before to accelerate their digital transformation, and at the same time they recognised how our expertise and experience could help them attain their goals. We had increases across the board, but where we saw astounding growth was …

Cloud & Blockchain: Challenges of Multi-Cloud and Multi-Chain solutions!

Cloud & Blockchain following same trajectory: Concept of cloud, a virtualised compute environment, accessible via public network was transformative. Even though it fuelled growth and moved focus from slow moving mainframe vs minicomputer race & intel vs AMD’s GHz race, shifting focus to real work. It also dropped the entry barrier for many real projects, …

Identity Vs Access – Demystifying Identity and Access Controls

Demystifying Identity and Access Controls Differences: Identity and access differ in that one is about who you are and the others about what you’re allowed to see or do. If you can prove your identity, that’s called being authenticated. If you can prove you have a right to access something, that’s called being authorized. When …

What is Farm Automation in Agriculture?

The importance of farming and agriculture is as old as time. While newer techniques make it possible to improve the quality and quantity of harvests, farmers still need better ways to maximize their efforts. Working under the sun can take a toll in more ways than one, but with the help of transformative technologies, even …