Semiconductors Run the World

The world runs on semiconductors. More than a decade after Marc Andreessen declared that “software is eating the world,” we have entered an era where the confluence of software and hardware guides the path of how humanity operates. The entire world is becoming digital, as technology is increasingly central to every aspect of human existence. …

Overproduction in The Mobile Phone Industry

Ronald Wilting, CEO of Forefront RF discusses the causes, the impacts, and the need for sustainable solutions The mobile phone industry is booming. Around two thirds of the world’s population have a smartphone and/or tablet and that number is accelerating as our digital dependency grows. However, whilst these portable devices are rapidly becoming the preferred touchpoint …

Why Is There A Global Semiconductor Shortage And How Can We Solve It?

The fact that you may have recently had difficulty getting hold of the latest models of televisions, smartphones and games consoles is just the tip of the iceberg. Every industry is currently experiencing a severe shortage of semiconductor materials needed to build the chips that power everyday electrical gadgets and devices. Semiconductors – materials that …

The next-gen semiconductor technology is on its way: Meet our CS High-NA EUV team

Time and time again over the last 30 years, physical limitations have appeared to put a stop to Moore’s Law and looked certain to prevent the shrinking of devices any further. Every time ASML has proved this wrong. Now we’re preparing to introduce the most innovative semiconductor technology yet, and the most complex machines ever …

The Future of Semiconductors is UCIe

If you want to become a serious tech industry watcher or a hardcore tech enthusiast, then you need to start closely watching what’s happening in the semiconductor industry. Not only are chips at the literal heart of all our tech devices, but they also power the software and experiences we’ve all become so reliant on. …