7 benefits of working with a Google Partner

1. Google Partners are experts When you invest money into PPC, you want to work with a company that will bring you the best results. You want to get the most out of your money and produce the best campaign. A Google Partner company will help you produce the best campaign. They have experience with …

How Secure Is Your Cloud Storage?

The ubiquity of cloud computing and storage has been a major boon for businesses around the world. From increased process efficiency and cost savings to workplace flexibility, the cloud has delivered a completely new paradigm for how work gets done. Few organizations are not using the cloud in one way or another. Sharing a document …

Are you sick of Shadow IT?

“Shadow IT” means the creation of IT systems without specific approval of the IT team. In the good old days, this was mostly limited to users creating Microsoft Access databases and complex Excel spreadsheets. IT teams used to feel the same way about Microsoft Excel and Access as they did about viruses. They appeared innocuous at …

A College Grad’s Biggest “Adulting” Challenge: Managing Money

I am not a financial expert nor a certified financial advisor, so please take this article as sheer anecdotal evidence. These are the resources I used to get out of debt and manage my finances. What works for me will be completely different for you. You’re the only one responsible for your financial education Managing …