Data security vs. network security: What should your business prioritize?

Many businesses that have allowed employees to continue working from home for the foreseeable future are aware that they need to update their cybersecurity. It’s likely that they have allocated some budget and IT resources to make those necessary changes. However, IT budgets are finite. Given the economic disruption of the pandemic, enterprises must strategically …

Are you sick of Shadow IT?

“Shadow IT” means the creation of IT systems without specific approval of the IT team. In the good old days, this was mostly limited to users creating Microsoft Access databases and complex Excel spreadsheets. IT teams used to feel the same way about Microsoft Excel and Access as they did about viruses. They appeared innocuous at …

The Pain of Change is Mandatory – it is the suffering that is optional

Now that I have grey in my beard (actually I have lot of grey in my beard) I often get asked how do I grow my career in IT and how should I approach my career development – the question often comes with the anticipation of receiving a secret magic key and a clear path …

How to Stop Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS): Why not try BCP38?

Today, as I watched CNN, I was saddened to see that a Denial of Service (DOS) or a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack has brought down Internet services for more than 40 Millions users in the East Coast of the United States. DOS attacks are those launched across the Internet to take websites and other services off the …

Ignore These Two Paths to Cloud Failure at Your Own Risk

Congratulations! Your awesome startup is up and running; you’ve leveraged a ton of open source software and tools, leveraged some great SaaS products, deployed to the cloud and you’re scaling effortlessly with increasing demand. So what could go wrong? Many things, as it turns out, but two stand out: availability and security. Failure to manage …

Cloud Computing Security

Cloud computing has quickly become a relevant technology within the information technology field over the past few years. This technology is powerful and useful but is a dual edge sword as security can become an issue quickly when placing data on web based storage servers. Information security is open broken up into C.I.A. (confidentiality, integrity, …

Voltron: Disrupting DoD Cybersecurity With Artificial Intelligence

There is no greater maxim than speed is decisive in war. However, cyber warfare today is a mostly manual process. Humans scour code to find vulnerabilities and fix problems with patches. Humans evaluate whether a patch will maintain overall system functionality, and whether a patch is performant. Human attackers exploit unpatched systems or vulnerabilities that, …