Data security vs. network security: What should your business prioritize?

Many businesses that have allowed employees to continue working from home for the foreseeable future are aware that they need to update their cybersecurity. It’s likely that they have allocated some budget and IT resources to make those necessary changes. However, IT budgets are finite. Given the economic disruption of the pandemic, enterprises must strategically …

Are Your Customers About To Dump You?

I have had the same mobile (cell phone) company in the UK for around 25 years. However, I am about to leave them—and they don’t know it. With my imminent departure on the horizon, I wondered how do organizations avoid customer defection? It turns out that customers usually indicate they are going to leave, and …

The 2018 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard

Energy efficiency is often the least-cost means of meeting new demand for energy services. Not only does it reduce overall energy consumption and thereby reduce dependency on energy imports, but it encourages development and creates jobs. Governments that promote investment in energy efficiency and implement supporting policies save citizens money, reduce the potential for crisis …