How EdTech is Changing the Face of Educational Institutions

We started using technology in the education industry a long time ago. But we truly understood its value when Corona Virus hit the world. Students could not go to school and colleges. Online classes started and every student was expected to learn from them. But without an educator’s physical presence how is that even possible? …

The Top 5 Tech Trends That Will Disrupt Education In 2021 – The EdTech Innovations Everyone Should Watch

One solid indicator that EdTech is big business is the number of billionaires the sector created. According to Deloitte, the Chinese education market should reach $715 billion by 2025 and was responsible for creating seven new billionaires. The richest was Li Yongxin, who leads Offcn Education Technology that provides online and offline training for individuals …

Blockchain for Business Series: Understanding Business and Technological Design Imperatives of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Introduction: What is Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Why Is It Important? In this post we plan to expend some time and energy in understanding Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC. While the notion of “Central Banks” implies centralized control and governance structure the term itself may be against the doctrine of decentralization which lays …

Please, No More BYOD

Companies are quickly discovering, and rushing to comply with the fact that employees today want to use a wide range of different mobile devices/apps to access various enterprise assets, interact with corporate data, and collaborate with their colleagues. But almost no consideration has been given to the fact that mobile began as a consumer technology, …

Are Your Customers About To Dump You?

I have had the same mobile (cell phone) company in the UK for around 25 years. However, I am about to leave them—and they don’t know it. With my imminent departure on the horizon, I wondered how do organizations avoid customer defection? It turns out that customers usually indicate they are going to leave, and …

Real World Examples of How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used In Financial Services

In last few years, Artificial Intelligence has made the transition from a research topic to the early stages of enterprise adoption. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, a robot that defeats a world-renowned player, to a car that can parallel park itself, there are several examples of artificial intelligence in use today. But in several industries, much of …