Collaboration in the Cloud – A Unified Theory

In the first article of this series, I posited that a meaningful strategy for accomplishing collaborative work in the cloud can only be achieved by thinking more holistically than has traditionally been the case. The reality is that work collaboration that drives competitive advantage is a multi-faceted endeavor. It requires the adoption of multiple best-of-breed …

Why PLM consultants are questioning new tools and asking about cloud exit strategy?

I want to continue my dialog with Jos Voskuil, PLM business consultant and PLM coach. If you’re just catching up the conversation, check the following articles: Why traditional PLM ranking is dead. PLM ranking 2.0? How to democratize PLM knowledge and disrupt traditional consulting. Some interesting thoughts came over the weekend from Jos’ article – The death of …

Ignore These Two Paths to Cloud Failure at Your Own Risk

Congratulations! Your awesome startup is up and running; you’ve leveraged a ton of open source software and tools, leveraged some great SaaS products, deployed to the cloud and you’re scaling effortlessly with increasing demand. So what could go wrong? Many things, as it turns out, but two stand out: availability and security. Failure to manage …