Data Integration in Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is among the most innovative technological solutions of our era. It converts raw, previously useless data into valuable, analytics-ready insights for decision-making and enterprise planning. It’s thus no surprise that the global BI market is set to attain a global market value of $42.95 billion by 2028. However, note that, although BI tools …

Redefining Intelligent Data Management in the Multi-Cloud Era: How Business Resilience is More Than Just Backup

The last 10 months have perhaps provided more lessons to an organization than the previous 2 years. The starkest reminder of these lessons has been the phrase “accelerated digital transformation,” used commonly across many organizations to highlight technology investments that either plug, address or resolve issues the pandemic has exposed. By the fourth quarter of …

How Cloud Computing Is Changing The Technology Space

Cloud computing is an architecture built on applications that store data on remote server infrastructure which can be accessed over the Web (WWW). Segregating back-end infrastructure and front-end infrastructure, cloud computing supports recognizing and visualizing the process. Client devices can use an Internet Browser or Cloud Computing applications to access data stored in the cloud …

Ignore These Two Paths to Cloud Failure at Your Own Risk

Congratulations! Your awesome startup is up and running; you’ve leveraged a ton of open source software and tools, leveraged some great SaaS products, deployed to the cloud and you’re scaling effortlessly with increasing demand. So what could go wrong? Many things, as it turns out, but two stand out: availability and security. Failure to manage …