Automation (electronic) Payment to Suppliers …a look at the fundamentals

Payments to suppliers are a major part of the procurement-to-pay ecosystem. Implementing electronic payment of your invoices from suppliers provides significant cost saving opportunities but other hidden benefits also flow from this automation Business growth, increased cross-border activities, an increasing supplier base, and business volatility means the increase in the number of transactions and the …

Getting your GRC into the hands of decision makers

“Risk Culture – the values, beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and understanding about risk shared by a group of people with a common purpose.” Institute of Risk Management To successfully influence risk culture, we need great structural mechanisms or formal arrangements that support strong risk management practices in our systems, policies, procedures, and governance – and – …

Educators promote parental involvement in education plans

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Md. – Toni Nelson is the coordinator of the Family Support Resource Center, and she assists parents of children and young adults with special needs. However, she too, has personal experience in the matter. “My son completed his education at the age of 21, and that encouraged him to get more job skills,” …

Blockchain for Business Series: Understanding Business and Technological Design Imperatives of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Introduction: What is Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Why Is It Important? In this post we plan to expend some time and energy in understanding Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC. While the notion of “Central Banks” implies centralized control and governance structure the term itself may be against the doctrine of decentralization which lays …

The Bermuda Triangle: poor financial knowledge

The good news first: Germans are putting their money away for a rainy day again. While they saved EUR 9 on average out of EUR 100 in 2013, it was already EUR 9.70 in 2016 with a continuing upward trend, as the Federal Statistical Office’s calculations for the first quarter of 2017 show. Germans are …

Collaboration in the Cloud – A Unified Theory

In the first article of this series, I posited that a meaningful strategy for accomplishing collaborative work in the cloud can only be achieved by thinking more holistically than has traditionally been the case. The reality is that work collaboration that drives competitive advantage is a multi-faceted endeavor. It requires the adoption of multiple best-of-breed …

Should a retail #CBDC infrastructure be based on #DLT or conventional technology? And should it involve digital #tokens inspired by #cryptocurrencies?

The below graph maps out the possible combinations.  Conventional database often achieve hashtag#resilience by storing data over multiple physical nodes, but all are controlled by a top node. By contrast, in many DLT-based systems, the ledger is jointly managed by all nodes. The communication needed to achieve hashtag#consensus between these nodes is the main reason …

Real World Examples of How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used In Financial Services

In last few years, Artificial Intelligence has made the transition from a research topic to the early stages of enterprise adoption. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, a robot that defeats a world-renowned player, to a car that can parallel park itself, there are several examples of artificial intelligence in use today. But in several industries, much of …

The Biggest Challenges Facing Financial Services: Mindset and Metrics

For all of the technical challenges in digitally transforming (DX) financial services, it turns out that human beings are the most formidable puzzle piece of all. That’s because, if you dig deep enough into digital maturity — the end game of transformation — you realize that achieving it requires a radical, almost antithetical shift in …

Quote to Cash – Real Time Enablement

Quote to Cash (Q2C) is the most important business process covering the end to end process in sales lifecycle. Transportation of Q2C for digitalization is the best way to keep this lifecycle fast, real-time and accurate. When it comes to your sales cycle, speed is of the essence. Being able to act and respond quickly …