Data has $urpassed Oil in Value – Here’s Why

Every era in human history has been acknowledged as a noteworthy point in time, primarily due to those who possess not only wealth and power, but the exploitation of that wealth and power. This new age of digital information is becoming more realized not only on the advancements of technology alone, but a significant element present in all …

How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics impact Healthcare Providers, Payers, Pharma, Medical Devices and Diagnostics?

1.  AI and Analytics integrated with electronic health records (EHRs) will deliver actionable insights for superior care delivery and personalized care at a lower cost for Healthcare Providers. Thanks to the meaningful use stipulations of the Affordable Care Act, a majority of the healthcare systems in North America have made significant investments in EHRs. These deployments …

Integrating Data in the Power Industry

Technological developments have been a significant focus for the power industry for many years. Progress has shown technology has evolved within a small number of designs, to now include nuclear, solar, wind, hydro-power and other energy sources. Digital technology continues to become more available and costs are reducing considerably, particularly with sensor devices and the …

Is Bad Data Costing You Your Edge? Incomplete, inconsistent, and inaccurate data is holding you back.

Provider information fuels the marketing and sales efforts of life sciences organizations. It helps you focus your outreach efforts and uncover additional sources of revenue. Knowing which providers to approach and where to find them are critical pieces of information. The wrong records result in costly mistakes and missed opportunities. So it makes sense that …

Data – the fuel for the 21st century

Data analytics, today’s hot topic, first surfaced as a discipline in 1962. The need was identified, but the technology wasn’t ready yet. Fast forward to today and the Harvard Business Review calls data scientist “the sexiest job of the 21st century.” According to IDC research, worldwide financial services alone spent $114 Billion on Mobility, Cloud and Big …