Educators promote parental involvement in education plans

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Md. – Toni Nelson is the coordinator of the Family Support Resource Center, and she assists parents of children and young adults with special needs. However, she too, has personal experience in the matter. “My son completed his education at the age of 21, and that encouraged him to get more job skills,” …

The Bermuda Triangle: poor financial knowledge

The good news first: Germans are putting their money away for a rainy day again. While they saved EUR 9 on average out of EUR 100 in 2013, it was already EUR 9.70 in 2016 with a continuing upward trend, as the Federal Statistical Office’s calculations for the first quarter of 2017 show. Germans are …

How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Analytics impact Healthcare Providers, Payers, Pharma, Medical Devices and Diagnostics?

1.  AI and Analytics integrated with electronic health records (EHRs) will deliver actionable insights for superior care delivery and personalized care at a lower cost for Healthcare Providers. Thanks to the meaningful use stipulations of the Affordable Care Act, a majority of the healthcare systems in North America have made significant investments in EHRs. These deployments …

A bank financing the 21st century economy must act as an accelerator of the energy transition

Since the international community became acutely aware of the need for urgent action to limit global warming, and 195 countries signed up to the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world has embarked on a process of transition towards low-carbon energy. Switching from a high-energy-consuming economic system to a less energy-intensive, more sustainable model will require a balancing …